Saturday, May 21, 2011

Justin Bieber is declared "on holiday"

Justin Bieber was a few days ago with a group of child victims of the tsunami and the earthquake in Japan.
The pop star met a group of young Otsuchi - which in March was totally decimated by natural disasters - and assured them that"Things can get better and things get better for families. Not onlyare good times ahead. My prayers are with all you all. "
Later led to his Twitter page to discuss the meeting, writing: "I havemet some amazing children who have been through a lot because of the devastation in Japan ..
"When you meet kids like that with all their strength and courage to go on you realize the important things in life. "
Justin has been in Japan this week to finish her ​​world tour andmade ​​his last concert in Tokyo on Wednesday.
The singer has admitted he is ready for a break after a tour that began in Hartford, Connecticut, in June 2010.

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