Friday, May 27, 2011

Justin Bieber want to work with his girlfriend

The youth not only officially and publicly declared his relationshipwith Selena Gomez, also wants to get her in the study.

The young leader, Justin Bieber, said the desire that has to do aduet with his girlfriend, Selena Gomez. According to the Canadian singer, new songs from the young "are great. "

Among their future plans are also his desire to record with other artists like, the Black Eyed Peas and rapper andBeyonce's husband Jay-Z.

Justin Bieber has been a mass phenomenon and other artists likeUsher or Katy Perry speak wonders of youth. Usher himself has worked with him on the remix of her song "To Love Somebody. "

Recently it was the undisputed winner of Billboard. At only 17 hehas his own documentary, two discs on the market and areputation that makes him a favorite of teenagers across the world.

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