Friday, June 10, 2011

Justin and Selena are skipped three traffic lights to escape the paparazzi

Being famous can become a disadvantage when photographerschasing you ready to capture everything you do. This is whathappens to Justin Bieber and his girlfriend, Selena Gomez, but his attempts to avoid at all costs to the press they could have claimed the lives at this time.

During one of the days when the couple visited the birthplace of theartist, a group of paparazzi began to chase them as they droveaway. Determined to escape the spotlight, Justin Bieber andSelena Gomez, accelerated to reach 80 km / h on a residentialroad, when the limit allowed by law is 50 km / h. In others, they missed their flight three red lights.

John White was one of thethe persecutors who sought a photo ofthe couple but when the offenses were committed at the wheel , he decided to pass up the opportunity . "I'd rather lose a few shots toendanger my life and more people, could cause a major accidentis very dangerous, " said the photographer, who works for theagency QMI.

So far the police have not addressed and have not received anycomplaint of Justin Bieber road behavior, though some fans havebeen very concerned about the incident. Do you think that thesinger has the right to endanger their lives and those of others to flee the press?

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